Home & Garden


Hi guys. I was actually going to post this yesterday, but I was busy doing things and I totally forgot about it. Anyway, so I’ll do it today, show you this wooden flower pot that I made for my magnolia tree.


Those of you who follow us on Pinterest might remember these very gorgeous worn looking flowerpots from Pottery Barn. Well, that was the inspiration for this project. I wanted to achieve a similar look to in my flower pot, so without really having a plan to follow, I decided that the wood I had laying around, was going to determine the look and the size of the pot.

*the following description of how I built the pot is not an exact plan, but more an inspiration to how you could make and design your own.


I used scrap pieces of planks from pallets and scrap plywood pieces. I cut 4 identical pieces of plywood for the sides. The planks were cut into thinner pieces to go outside the sides of the pot and their length was adjusted to the length of the plywood sides. I put everything together and added 4 pieces of wood to the inner corners to strengthen the construction. Then I added a bottom and feet and I made a trim to go on the top edge of the pot, but didn’t attach it yet.


I stained the wood blue before I painted it white, because I wanted to see if some of that stain would show through when I distressed it later. I only gave it one coat of white to keep as much of the wood structure as possible and when it had dried I sanded it down to give it a worn look. (Remember to paint the trim as well). The stain didn’t shine through as blue, but more a grey color. If you’d like a more intense color to shine through, you should use a colored paint instead of stain.


Before I planted my small magnolia tree, I covered the inside of the pot with plastic. I use the bottom of one of those sturdy see-through garbage bags and secured it to the top edge of the pot. Remember the trim we made, but didn’t attach? Nail that to the top edge on top of the plastic. This way you get a nice finish and the plastic edge wont show.


Now plant your tree and enjoy your little project 🙂

The Most Popular Bathroom Design Style

Bathrooms are the place where we spend a lot of time. They should be comfortable, relaxing, and functional. The best way to achieve this is by choosing an appropriate bathroom design style that suits your needs and preferences. There are many styles available in the market today, but you need to select one which will suit your home’s décor as well as its function. Here are some of the most common designs:


1) Traditional bathroom design style


This type of bathroom has been around for centuries. It was initially designed with a bathtub or shower stall at the center of the room. This area would have had a sink on either side of it. In modern times, however, there are now more options than ever before when designing bathrooms. You can still find traditional-style baths, but they come in different shapes and sizes. Some even include a separate bathroom shower faucet set that allows you to control both water flow and temperature separately.


2) Contemporary bathroom design style


Contemporary bathrooms tend to feature clean lines and simple colors. These rooms often incorporate glass walls so that natural light floods into them from all sides. Modern bathrooms also usually have large windows and skylights to let in plenty of sunlight. A few features such as underfloor heating and rain showers are becoming increasingly popular. For those who like their homes bright and airy, these types of bathrooms are perfect.


Bathroom Design Style


3) Victorian bathroom design style


Victorian bathrooms are very ornate and lavish. Today, Victorian bathrooms are making a comeback thanks to designers who love retro chic. Their primary focus is on creating luxurious spaces using beautiful materials. One example of this is marble tiling. Marble is known for being extremely durable and easy to maintain. Another thing that makes Victorian bathrooms unique is the use of cast-iron fixtures. Cast iron is sturdy and long-lasting while remaining stylishly rustic.

4) Transitional bathroom design


Transitional bathrooms combine elements from both traditional and contemporary styles. They typically have a mix of antique furniture and sleek modern fittings. Most transitional bathrooms have white cabinets and floors along with dark wood accents. To create a warm atmosphere, try adding lots of soft lighting. They feature a variety of sinks, tubs, and toilets. These bathrooms are ideal for anyone wanting to update their existing space without having to redecorate completely.


5) Tropical bathroom design


Tropical bathrooms are inspired by tropical climates where humidity levels are high. The best way to achieve this effect is through the use of plants. Plants add moisture which helps keep your home cool. There are many ways to make your tropical paradise. Try hanging palm fronds over the window frames to give an exotic feel. Or place potted palms near the doorways. Add some colorful flowers too. Your bathroom will instantly become one of the coolest places in your house.

6) Shabby-chic bathrooms


Shabby chic bathrooms are characterized by distressed finishes and vintage pieces. Nowadays, shabby chic bathrooms can be found everywhere, from trendy urban apartments to country cottages. If you want to recreate this look yourself, then start by cleaning up your old items. Then find new ones that match your décor theme. You could even buy second-hand furniture or salvage things from flea markets. Once you’ve got everything together, get rid of anything that doesn’t fit in with your overall aesthetic. Finally, apply a coat of paint to bring back the original finish.

7) Modernist Bathrooms


Modernist bathrooms are all about clean lines and minimalism. It’s no surprise that these bathrooms became so popular after World War II as they reflected the simplicity of life post-war. Modernists believe that less is more. So if you’re looking to renovate your bathroom, consider removing unnecessary clutter such as mirrors and other accessories. Instead, opt for simple shapes like rectangular tiles and straight edges. For added interest, choose colors that contrast well against each other. Also, don’t forget to include plenty of natural light in your bathroom. Natural sunlight creates a bright feeling and also improves air quality.


8) Moroccan Bathroom design


Moroccan bathrooms are traditionally decorated with geometric patterns and vibrant hues. There are several different variations of Moroccan bathroom design. Some include elaborate mosaics, carved wooden doors and arches, and brightly colored rugs. Others focus on simpler details, including tiled walls and flooring. Remember to stick to neutral tones regardless of what kind of Moroccan bathroom you decide to go for. Darker shades may clash with the rest of your decor. And avoid using any strong scents because they might overpower the delicate aromas of Morocco itself.


Bathroom Design Style


9) Beach style bathroom design


If you live close enough to the beach, why not create a beach-themed bathroom? A great idea would be to hang seashells above the showerhead and fill them with sand. Another option is to have a large mirror placed behind the sink area. Hang lots of towels and washcloths nearby. Use shells and driftwood to adorn the countertops. To complete the look, put out a few cushions and throw blankets. Of course, you’ll need to ensure that your bathroom isn’t located directly next to the ocean. Otherwise, you risk getting wet!


10) Craftsman bathroom style


Craftsman bathrooms were initially designed during the late 1800s. They featured exposed beams, brickwork, and wood floors. Today, craftsmen styles still feature similar elements but now come in many forms. One example includes rustic cabinetry, which features rough-cut timber panels and decorative moldings. Other examples include traditional tile work and handcrafted sinks. The critical thing here is to keep the entire space cohesive. Otherwise, you run the risk of creating an eclectic feel rather than one consistent theme.




Whether you’re building a new bathroom or remodeling the existing one, you can always find inspiration from some of our ideas above. Remember always to choose a design that fits within your budget and lifestyle. If you want something unique, then it will cost you extra money. But if you want to make sure everything goes smoothly, then sticking to tried-and-tested designs should do the trick.


Today we have a perfect little weekend garden project for you. It’s a basket made from chicken wire with branch handles. You can use it to keep you favorite herbs and it would be ideal for the potting table or maybe the kitchen window.




Follow the ‘how to’ to make the basket. You can save the image to keep it handy.


Have a great Saturday!



Fresh herbs are probably the most delicious ingredient you can add to your food, especially if you can go out and pick them in your garden. As you might have read, I only have a small balcony herb garden, but Sussi has this gorgeous garden and she came up with this awesome idea for a herb garden.


She had this old broken flower wagon, which was just standing there, screaming for a purpose. So she filled it with dirt, planted all kinds of herbs, arranged some broken terracotta pots and a few branches, and made it into a beautiful and functional raised bed garden. It doesn’t only look good and decorative, but you can actually wheel it away too.


This is an easy idea to copy; any wagon like thing can be used for this – small or large will do – the fun part is that it doesn’t take much time to create something useful that looks great with this idea. And we just love when those two things go hand in hand 🙂





Happy gardening!
