Dear readers. First I wanna say thank you for all your comments and messages. It has been heart warming.

Precious Sister was a project my dear sister and I launched together a couple of years back and due to her not being with us anymore, I have decided not to work on this site any further. I will keep this site open in memory of my precious sister, Sussi. This was a very special project of ours, we had a lot of ideas and visions of what to make of this little beauty.

I have disabled commenting on the site, but feel free to contact me using the contact form if you have any questions regarding our projects or just wanna say hi.

I personally have chosen to focus on my photography. I’m in the process of building my new site www.house3003.com and blog, where I hope to include some smaller graphical project and how to’s. You are very welcome to stop by.

Thank you for all your love & support for Precious Sister.


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