A couple of days ago I showed you my newly built and planted balcony vegetable garden. Well, today I have something to go with that. Since it’s a very small garden, I have left over seeds in little seed bags from the vegetables I planted, and I thought I would find a way to keep these. I might just need them later this summer, if I have to plant more.
So I decided to make a small garden journal, where I could keep the seed bags handy and keep track of my little garden.
You’ll need the above materials and the download below.
For personal use only please. Copyright Precious Sister
Take your A6 carton sheets, punch holes and write the names of the vegetables on each sheet. Glue or tape the back of the seed bags to the carton.
Use jute string to bind the whole thing together.
You can use the journal to document your garden and date the process.
Have a great Monday.